About Me — Hey, I’m Chris :)

A virtual high-five! (last updated January 25, 2024)

Chris, PhD
3 min readDec 27, 2023
Chris by thebootcode.io
I’m a writer, tech coder, and business owner who enjoys playing with his Apple keyboard and doing awesome things.

Hi, I’m Chris, and I am many things, but far from being lazy.

In short:

  • Multi-business founder and currently CEO of thebootcode.io — a coding learning hub and a high-priced web agency with an awesome coding team (Coders by thebootcode.io)
  • Tech PhD in AI services and data protection techniques (with the highest distinction)
  • Author with 50+ peer-reviewed (partly award-winning) scientific publications and two books
  • Coder with 20+ years of coding experience
  • Dad, husband, godfather, dog lover,…

You can see that I love to write or, at least, enjoy ‘playing’ with my Apple keyboard to create new value for others.

So, my new passion is being a Medium writer and a Udemy instructor.

Topics I write about include Business, Entrepreneurship, Startup, Personal Development, Self Improvement, Life Lessons, Productivity, Inspiration, Investing, Education, Life, Mental Health, and Technology — all evolved from my background.

My Medium publications

I also provide a home for a wide variety of stories. So, readers who want to become extremely successful will find a suitable community at every stage of their journey:

  • Personal Development meets Business — All about how to start your personal growth and — related to it — your own business.
  • Learn Business — All about business, startups, and entrepreneurship; and about how to run a company.
  • Next-Level Coding — All about coding, and online businesses (e.g., web agency, SaaS, social media marketing, …). Learn one of the most valuable skills of the 21st century, namely coding, with our community. (Responsible editors: Coders by thebootcode.io)
  • The Next Millionaire — All about scaling a business to become the next millionaire. This also includes personal growth as an entrepreneur, investments, and life and business hacks.

Feel free to contact my team if you would like to contribute to them.

Follow to get more: Chris



Chris, PhD

Multi-business founder, CEO @ thebootcode.io, Tech PhD | Sharing valuable experience, lessons learned, and shortcuts.